The surfaces of aluminum cans and bottles have to be degreased, cleaned and dried before decoration. Later, another washing procedure is necessary if these containers are used in the food industry.
Cleanliness is the highest requirement
Cleanliness is essential to obtain ideal print results and to make sure that the lacquer layer protects the container surface perfectly. Hinterkopf-washing machines clean aluminum cans and bottles inside and outside with a detergent solution to make the lacquer stick tightly. The energy consumption, the amount of detergent, water pressure and temperature decide on the washing result. These parameters can individually be set and adapted to the respective container with all Hinterkopf washing machines. Optimum process reliability with maximum cost-efficiency give proof of our technical knowhow.
A clean and clever solution on the long term
In view of the economic efficiency of a washing machine, energy consumption and maintenance become the focus of attention. During a service life of 25 years they cause more than 80 percent of all costs!
With the highly energy-efficient washing machines Hinterkopf has developed a technological advantage: Flow-optimised and isolated drying ovens, efficient pumps, fans and drives use expensive energy responsibly, especially since the stainless steel pumps with their superior efficiency of more than 70 percent significantly reduce the cost of electricity.
Environmental and resource-efficient heat recovery
The lower the temperature in the drying oven, the lower the energy consumption. Hinterkopf drying ovens operate at a temperature below 100 degrees Celsius, reliably and securely. Structure, size and airflow in the drying oven make this possible. And our special heat recovery system saves another 30 percent of heating energy - good for the environment, good for the economy!